Grow business, develop leadership skills and train your team with the Retail Academy
Partner with us to access a network of experienced retail experts and educators.
About the Retail Academy
The Retail Academy by Small and Mighty Group supports the skills and development of the retail industry.
The Retail Academy was first created in Demark in collaboration with universities and industry partners, including McDonalds, The Body Shop and Peugeot. The Academy was supported by the European Union, the Ministry for Education and the Danish Chamber of Commerce.
Now headquartered in Australia, we continue to have global partners and customers around the world. The experienced team of experts and consultants provide companies with the skills, knowledge and know-how to develop your team’s sales, customer service and leadership skills to grow business.
Our Services
Leadership & Executive Coaching
We offer talent programs and training, leadership training and development for emerging, experienced and advanced leaders, sales manager training and courses for how to be an effective leader online and on the distance, plus much more.
Organisational Psychology
Take care of yourself and your staff. Organisational psychology covers areas such as team development & optimisation, motivation, change, conflict and mental health. Our courses include: ‘Leading Commercially’ ‘Leading to Avoid Burning Out’, ‘Leadership Psychology’ and ‘Sustainable Leadership’.
Staff Training & Coaching
We offer Train the Trainer Courses, Mentor Courses and customised sales and service training. This is provided instore, online, F2F, as content for learning apps/platforms, 1-2-1, group training and via workshops.
Psychological Selling
Use profiling to gain knowledge about your customer's preferred behaviours, way of thinking and shopping. This will able you to adapt and create great customer experiences.
Market Positioning
To maximise profitability and return, work with us to identify core market segments and customers aligned with business objectives to secure, grow and scale your business.
Growing Customer Loyalty
Using the customer journey we help you with mapping and optimisation, storyselling, service training and development, brand advocate building and training.
“The team and I really appreciate the support we get, and the mutual, open, constructive dialogue we have is fantastic.”
– Soren Jensen
Head of Talent Development Northern Europe
Recent Collaborations